meet the team

Our highly qualified and experienced team support high performing individuals, companies and organisations across the UK,  Europe, Middle-East and USA.


With over 40 years combined experience across academia and professional practice, our close-knit team includes a hybrid of specialist nutritionists, physiologists and creative chefs. 

Meet Our Senior Team

Dr Scott Robinson, 

Founder & Managing Director

When I founded The Edge HPL in 2018, I started with a concept, a blank piece of paper, & limited knowledge of the ‘world of business’.

Since inception, we have helped over 500 individuals achieve sustainable high performance, including >50 Premier League football players, several Formula 1 Drivers, World Champion Fighters & Olympic Gold Medallists. We are also proud to align ourselves with leading food, beverage & tech companies, as well as organisations such as Mercedes AMG High Performance Powertrains (Formula 1) and Hintsa Performance.

In supporting our clients, I have been fortunate to travel the world alongside a number of high performing individuals & companies, whose knowledge & experience is far superior to mine, but has played an integral role in helping both myself & the business push the boundaries & reach new heights.

I have a particular passion for health & performance innovation through science & technology, & have a strong interest in translating complex & credible science into easy to implement, practical solutions.

I firmly believe that the term ‘high performance’ isn’t limited to the sporting arena & that each person holds the potential to be a ‘high performer’ in their own right; whether that is being a high performing athlete, a high performing business executive or a high performing parent.

A core value of the business is that we never stray away from credible science, & we never overpromise & undersell. We support a small number of individuals & companies each year to ensure the quality of our services are never diluted & the expectations of our clients are surpassed; easy to say, harder to do, but I believe that this is one of the strongest features of the business & one that I am most proud of.

Our achievements to date are not through the act of a single individual, but the collective efforts of a support team & network that I will forever be grateful for. I am proud to represent The Edge HPL on the world stage & to lead & inspire a wonderfully talented team that shares my passion for continually redefining the limits of human health & performance.

Memberships & Affiliations


  • Ph.D Exercise Metabolism & Nutrition. University of Birmingham, UK.
  • M.Sc Sports Physiology (with Distinction), Liverpool John Moores University, UK.
  • B.Sc Sports Science (Physiology; First Class with Honours), Liverpool John Moores University, UK.


Title: Dietary intake is independently associated with the maximal capacity for fat oxidation during exercise.

Journal: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Title: Lipolytic Markers, Insulin and Resting Fat Oxidation are Associated with Maximal Fat Oxidation

Journal: International Journal of Sports Medicine.

Title: Maximal fat oxidation during exercise is positively associated with 24-hour fat oxidation and insulin sensitivity in young, healthy men

Journal: Journal of Applied Physiology

Title: Nutritional & lifestyle support to reduce infection incidence in an International-Standard Premier League football player

Journal: International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism

Title: Lipid Metabolism Links Nutrient-Exercise Timing to Insulin Sensitivity in Men Classified as Overweight or Obese

Journal: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism

Title: Exercise referral for drug users aged 40 and over: results of a pilot study in the UK

Journal: British Medical Journal Open 

Dr Daniel Owens,

Consultant Lead on Strategic Development, Research & Innovation

Drawing on my scientific background and experience as a nutrition science practitioner, I am responsible for leading research, innovation and the strategic development of our services here at The Edge HPL. I have worked as an academic for several years and published over 35 peer-reviewed research articles in world-leading journals, several book chapters, and have presented at international conferences and to private businesses. My research career has been balanced with significant applied practitioner experience; supporting elite athletes across a spectrum of sports, as well as private clients.

A primary role of mine is to develop innovative strategies through integrating my own cutting-edge research and translating this into practical advice to help all clients of The Edge HPL reach their health and performance goals smarter, faster and stronger.

In my personal time, I train to compete in triathlon, which is my main sporting interest. I like to use myself as a personal research project to trial novel nutrition and training interventions to optimise my health and performance. I’m passionate about following many other sports and enjoy observing how various organisations achieve the pinnacle of performance in their respective fields; a passion that I’m excited to bring to The Edge HPL.

Membership and affiliations


  • Ph.D Exercise Metabolism & Nutrition. Liverpool John Moores University, UK.
  • B.Sc Sports Science (Physiology; First Class with Honours), Liverpool John Moores University, UK.


View a full list of publications, here.

Title: Exercise-induced muscle damage: What is it, what causes it and what are the nutritional solutions?

Journal: European Journal of Sports Science

Title: Vitamin D and the Athlete: Current Perspectives and New Challenges

Journal: Sports Medicine 

Title: Efficacy of High-Dose Vitamin D Supplements for Elite Athletes

Journal: Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise 

Title: A systems-based investigation into vitamin D and skeletal muscle repair, regeneration, and hypertrophy

Journal: American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism

Title: Achieving energy balance with a high-fat meal does not enhance skeletal muscle adaptation and impairs glycemic response in a sleep-low training model

Journal: Experimental Physiology

Title: Graded reductions in pre-exercise glycogen concentration do not augment exercise-induced nuclear AMPK and PGC-1α protein content in human muscle

JournalExperimental Physiology

Title: Carbohydrate intake during prolonged exercise does not affect subcellular lipid droplet morphology, AMPK and p53 signalling in human skeletal muscle

JournalJournal of Physiology

Book Chapters

Title: Nutrition support to counteract muscle atrophy 

Book series: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology

Title: Methods in molecular exercise physiology 

Book series: Molecular Exercise Physiology

Title: Nutrition for Rugby

Book series: Science of Sport: Rugby

Tiffany Williams, 
BSc Pg.Dip SENr

Senior Nutritionist, Physiologist & Creative Chef

With a degree in Sport & Exercise Science from Loughborough University and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Performance Nutrition from the world-renowned Institute of Performance Nutrition, I combine a food and physiology background with experience supporting multiple Olympic Medallists to inform and inspire clients about the power of food and what it can mean for them.

It’s my role to develop recipes that really stand out from the crowd, but are also practical and time-efficient in their preparation. Of course, flavour is everything (!) so I always ensure that the recipes we provide are jam packed with the best flavour and texture combinations, and are aligned with individual goals and requirements. Whilst I love up-skilling our client’s and bringing fun to the kitchen, I appreciate that cooking isn’t for everyone, so I also liaise with our extensive network of chef’s, and often the clients own, to assist in supporting our client’s needs in any way I can.

I’m a firm believer that to truly understand change and impact you have to be on its wavelength, so for me food (in particular, cooking) has become a way of life. As Picasso once said ‘inspiration exists, but it has to find a way of working’; so wherever I am and whoever I’m working with, from elite athlete to entrepreneur / CEO to busy parent who is cooking for a small family team, I’m continually looking to paint our picture of the way this knowledge of food should be packaged, implemented and, most importantly, enjoyed!

At work or play, my creative antenna is always finely tuned and I am constantly seeking out new inspiration in the world around me. My cultural influences include Asia, Europe and South America - fantastic sources of inspiration for beautiful recipe creation and client knowledge advancement.

Memberships & Affiliations


  • Post-Graduate Diploma in Performance Nutrition. The Institute of Performance Nutrition.
  • B.Sc Sport & Exercise Science, Loughborough University, UK.

Abby Coleman, BSc Pg.Dip

Senior Nutritionist & Physiologist

Having previously worked for companies such as Porsche Human Performance, Precision Fuel and Hydration, and AXA Health, I bring a wealth of experience to benefit clients of The Edge HPL.

This experience, combined with my first class degree in Sport and Exercise Science from the University of Bath, alongside a Post-Graduate Diploma in Sport Nutrition from The International Olympic Committee, allows me to deliver an exceptional level of service to all clients of The Edge HPL. 

I firmly believe in an individualised and human-centred approach to health, wellbeing and performance. I focus on each client's unique goals, lifestyle and preferences; recognising that a ‘one size fits all’ approach is, more often than not, insufficient - especially over the long-term.

Creativity and innovation are hallmarks of my work, and I take pride in my ability to think outside of the box. In my current role at The Edge HPL, I am dedicated to delivering the highest level of service to our clients whilst simultaneously helping push the business to new heights. Through this work, I continue to fulfil my passion for helping both myself and others achieve sustainable high performance.


  • B.Sc Sport & Exercise Science (First Class with Honours) - University of Bath, UK
  • Post-Graduate Diploma in Sport Nutrition - International Olympic Committee

Patrick Murray B.Sc

Health & Performance Physiologist

Having graduated with a first-class degree from Loughborough University, renowned globally as the top institution for sport and exercise science, I bring a breadth of theoretical knowledge and understanding to support clients of The Edge HPL.

My academic background, paired with my certification as a strength and conditioning coach, equips me with a thorough understanding of human physiology, biomechanics, exercise science, and nutrition. This expertise, combined with hands-on experience in crafting and implementing individualised programmes, allows me to deliver tailored solutions that enhance individual health and performance. I am a firm advocate of using physiological testing as the cornerstone for personalised advice, ensuring that every insight is effectively translated into meaningful results.

Beyond my professional work, I play football at a semi-professional level, where I have gained firsthand appreciation of the critical role that optimal physiological function plays in athletic success. My passion for sport and dedication to ongoing learning enable me to stay at the forefront of the field, and contribute meaningfully to our team’s success at The Edge HPL.